Who is Seeing?
When God looks out at the world it sees itself.
When a separate self looks at the world they see everything and everyone as other.
God sees the world in his or her image and when we transmigrate our awareness to our True nature and strip away the old seeing we begin to dissolve the distorted view.
So the one who sees is very important.
Are you seeing the world in its original organic blueprint or are you seeing the world through a different lens?
It’s all available here and if you are focused on and dedicated to the organic templates of creation then you will only see and experience that reality.
When your actions in this world are all about compassion, are all about collapsing the “me” and the “other”, are all about unity then the experience is also this.
You are consciousness in action.
You experience the world as God and this very ground you walk on IS new earth. It’s Spirit in form, it’s real.
It’s new because you are returning back as something new. You have created new matter, new form through the seeing of the old, through inquiry and connection through creative tension.
There is no where to go. Leaving isn't going to get you “there”.
There is only an adjustment to the seeing that needs to take place.
Going beyond the mind and dropping down into the body gives you the somatic feeling of this truth.
We experience all of this as we walk in nature, as we ride our bikes, as we interact with family.
Everything that is not that is but a mirage, an overlay.
As we reverse out of the distortion back to what’s already here and what we already know at deeper levels, it begins to reveal itself. We just need to come back to the knowledge that is patiently waiting in the darkness.
The heart guides us in this direction at all times.
We have everything we need built in. There is nothing to achieve or figure out.
It’s a stripping away instead. It’s a burning away of stories that no longer serve. It’s a fiery integration of what is not true.
What’s left is the most clear energetic image of the true creator being.
What’s experienced is life as it was always meant to be.