Multidimensional Doorway
I feel that while the nervous system of the New Energy Human (NEH) is where Theos reality is created, the heart of the NEH is where the experience of Theos is accessed.
The heart feels like a doorway into the multidimensional realms. Meaning it’s where I sense and feel at other levels in the Absolute. It’s what allows me to go beyond the inorganic mental understanding. It’s the tool for creational intelligence.
Life lived directly from the heart is the end of the current nervous system as the interface with the world.
Peeling away the layers around the heart, layers of identity that have tried to protect it for eons of time has revealed the space where one can experience through gnost, the subject object collapse that occurs in the central nervous system (CNS).
You create the safe space within the CNS so much so that the life force energy can move freely up and down as all the solidified parts (beliefs, stories) relax into Spirit.
A tipping point is reached and it’s time for Spirit to expand into new territory but in order to do this the border between the known and the unknown (new energy reservoir) needs to be breached once again.
We no longer need to protect the sacred. We no longer need to shut ourselves off from more of the Truth.
And so consciousness begins to spill out beyond the border and into all of creation.
When those protections burn away through the fierce grace of dragon clarity there is no filter between Life and You.
It’s the true state of Living Energy.
Of inner and outer worlds coalescing.
It’s just an immediate way of being in the world, no anticipation or expectation from a mental construct or program.
It’s a very different way to be and it’s fascinating to feel the direct experience of intimacy with life when there is no agenda that is judging the experience.
The amount of energy it took to keep an identity in place to manage life with yes’s and no’s was exhausting!
When everything is YES it all gets so simple. It all can flow through and no one has to decide if it’s acceptable or unacceptable.
Negotiations cease. Swords fall to the ground. There is nothing left to fight or defend. All is equal.
And everything makes sense in a new way.
You can see and feel God in everything as it is. No mistakes, God is working at all levels here.
When there is no discriminating mind you can see the orchestra music playing underneath the surface.
God has her hand in all of it, always did.
I can see the rhythm of chaos and order, chaos and order as my consciousness dives in and sits in the unknown ALL, unimpeded by preconception.
“Ohhhh I’ve uncovered my all access pass to Heaven on Earth.” I say, as inquiry comes full circle.
As the unknown meets the known.
And we venture off again into more Self discovery.