Student of New Energy
The experience of multidimensional sensations is a key to how I gain control over the mind.
Control of the mind has nothing to do with manipulation, its not control as the mind understands it.
Gaining agency over the mind occurred when I began to focus on multiple sensations in the body.
When you feel 2 or more feelings or sensations at once the mind stills.
The linear mind can not do this so it goes quiet.
We begin to get used to the feeling state of infinity. Of all of our energy experienced in simultaneity.
This is something that we already innately know we just have to return back to it. You would not be aware of it otherwise.
We allow what is not that to burn away in creative tension to make space for truth. We explore and experiment and let it be revealed. We follow inner feelings and the more we do this the more adept we get at it.
The resistance to this exploration is all mental programming. Thoughts and emotions that don't want to play in this new experience are not organic to you.
Getting back to a multidimensional existence ends suffering, it ends stuckness and dullness because it allows you get back in touch with your formless state of existence which is more real then physicality.
The organic structures of creation that we are returning to are so simple and yet have so much depth.
When I feel into true feeling states like joy, it feels so rich. It’s structure is endless, and yet its just a simple 3 letter word. It is an original component of creation and so its not a finite energy, its infinite when felt beyond the mind. Its uncontainable. Its multi-layered.
Simple words like love, peace, play are all so uplifting and inspiring because they open us up to what reality is really all about.
The simplicity of it makes the mind doubt and look for more complex answers and this is a trap.
So we just continue to focus on original structures and our entire reality changes before our very eyes.
We can’t be pulled down into our own lies when the alternative is so much more fun and true.
So the influence the mind once had fades into distant memory as we go multidimensional.
As life lives itself through us directly from the heart as the interface.
This is what New Life feels like for me, it’s a dance of feeling creative intel and making my way towards the potential being lit up through action.
This is what “right action” means to me. It’s action that is taken to bring more unity, to bring more Spirit into this reality through pure awareness.
All action is “right action” when you are being lead by your own creative intelligence.
And when the mind realizes that it can not help any longer with problem solving using finite means it gets on board, stops interfering and quiets down.
It has helped me tremendously to quiet the mind, although that was more of a byproduct then a goal of a heart lead life.
If this is a lifetime of Spirit descending into form then it’s all Self lead we are just learning how to become aware and flow with the information we’re being given.
The more we surrender to our natural rhythms the more we are in awareness with truer, clearer states of life.