Layers of Truth
In Indian tradition there are 5 layers of body. They go from dense gross matter and get more and more subtle as you go all the way to the bliss body.
I like the way Sadhguru describes them. In a nutshell he says that 3 are to do with the physical dimension, these are the physical body, the mental body and the pranic body.
The next body is a bridge to the nonphysical, it is the body of supreme intelligence or creational intelligence.
The next body is nonphysical. It is called the bliss body because that is what we experience when we touch it. It contains all.
So take a walk with me into the energy body or as it’s called in India the pranic body.
There is a whole world whirling and buzzing in here.
At this level energy is called prana in Sanskrit. It is what energy is before it takes form.
It’s consciousness in motion.
You can feel the intelligence here.
The energy body contains centers and channels that the energy moves through. The centers are programmed to direct the prana to move in certain passageways or tubes.
So this body is the blueprint to this physical body. It is a map of the 2 nervous systems and ultimately for all the systems and functioning of the physical body.
Yogis have this body all mapped out. They understand the energy body in depth and therefore understand the physical body in depth.
When we feel into the biorhythm we can sense the breath and the heartbeat. These 2 systems are working involuntarily. We don’t need to think about breathing or pumping the heart, they have their own intelligence.
If we feel into it further we can sense that there is a whole symphony at play here. A complex system keeping this biology alive. A cacophony of communication moving between systems, from points here to there.
There are jobs here, this center controls this part and that one controls another part. And the systems need to communicate between each other for a healthy body to function as well.
We took prana, which is a field of pure potentiality and we gave it boundaries and directions.
We shaped the energy by separating it’s functions. We created multiple centers that initiated flow to move in specific directions.
Does this not feel like the creation of space?
Now take a step back with me, before the energy body was created, you can sense that there is a grander intelligence here. One that has no specific or fixed direction.
We don't need to go from point A to point B to communicate here, instead points A and B are lighting up simultaneously.
Think of the quantum physics experiments involving the entanglement of particles. When 2 particles touch and one of them is stimulated the other is instantaneously stimulated even if it is located at a great distance away. This is how communication is beyond time and space.
There are no fixed control centers here and the intelligence has no constraints.
So how did we go from no center to the perception of one? And further, how do we create something new?
The energetic spine created the idea of a contained center.
To create space we need distance. We need to travel. We need a linear path.
The energy body creates these paths. It connects point A to B.
We inhale, the air moves into the lungs, the oxygen moves into the cells and the Co2 moves out of the cells, the oxygen moves through the blood into the tissues, more exchange occurs in set pathways. It’s all laid out.
The creation of time goes right along with the creation of space. In order to go from point A to B we need to move in a specific direction over a period of time.
So if we go into the nonphysical dimension, through the spine and out beyond time and space, we can feel that everything that has ever been created is here.
Returning back to the nonphysical through the bridge of creative intelligence gives our consciousness a doorway into all of creation.
We begin to become aware of all the programming in the 3 physical bodies and start to manufacture new energy. Energy that is infinite and programmable by consciousness itself.
When we’re having a normal human life we are sourcing energy from a perceived outside. Through the air, food, water. All the energy we consume is added to the physical body.
When we redirect our energy back into the spine and to the true source , the energy begins to recede from its old perceptions and begins to move in a new direction.
All the energy starts dancing to the same tune from the same center-less source.
The programming that kept the energy moving in set pathways from separate energy centers is freed through creative tension.
Communication goes wireless and energy is undefined.
As the energy goes vertical the boundaries dissolve and the sensation of inner and outer worlds collapses.
Everything we consume is no longer coming from the perception of an outside source. It’s all your energy and now your energy is all on the same page, going towards the same destination, which is the creation of a new energy body.
Now you feel yourself walking through the 3rd nervous system. You are no longer walking through an outside world, you are walking within Theos.
When you go beyond time and space and slowly let go of defining energy, the fixed mental body can then come along into its grander intelligence. It becomes malleable to the field of potentiality that energy really is.
I feel this occurring at the cellular level. (See previous article)
The energy is released and we can play in new ways with a mind that is so open that everything is seen as a miracle and life is an absolute wonder.
We literally have access to all the layers of creation itself because we have this physical body. It allows our consciousness to experience the densest most fixed layer that energy can be and upon inner exploration we realize that it contains everything preceding it.
The physical body remains and you have access to all.
In the 3rd nervous system we are loose. We can go into creation and out of it. We are in a constant state of surrender because we don’t know what the unknown is and we don't want to limit what it can be.