DNA Crystallising
When the standardized human form was created we needed a way to contain the consciousness.
Gnost is our natural communications network and it works beyond any constraints of time of space.
The more constrained our consciousness is the more limited our gnost is.
If we think we are a separate human then that is about as far as our Gnost can go.
It creates a parameter, a container for an experience of limitation.
I was feeling into my DNA this morning.
The structure of DNA defines the basic genetic makeup of all lives on the planet earth. (1)
It’s a double helix so it’s 2 strands that coil around each other. In between the strands is where the genetic codes are.
DNA is like a map for how to be ________( fill in the blank). How to be a human, a fish, a bird, etc.
When consciousness goes into bird DNA the energy will respond and the bird program begins to take form.
The energy will do whatever it’s told to do. And if gnost is limited by programmed circuitry it will start to behave in a linear way. It will move from cell to adjacent cell instead of everywhere, everything, all at once.
This path I’m describing is about going from the formless to the form.
Stepping back from form gives you the bigger picture on how it was all created and it helps you to see how we uncreate it.
Uncreating it does not make form disappear, what it does is free your consciousness from containment. It widens what you know to be true. It unifies the biology, it creates a biology that acts in a truly natural way.
Right now our biology is compartmentalized. We have many systems that act in their respective programmed ways.
They are all contained but they do rely on each other and they do communicate but the communication is linear. It moves in set pathways in the body.
It’s slow and cumbersome in comparison to instantaneous communication.
And because each cell has a specific way it can function due to it’s DNA programming then it can not do anything other than that, right now.
What we were really able to do in Atlantis was define energy. We were able to give energy boundaries and specific functions and make it listen.
In reality energy is just energy, it has no definition and it’s all one (thing).
We also contained the consciousness by not allowing it access to the bigger picture. Reinforcing that I am the body, I am the mind, over and over again through countless reincarnations into them really solidified it.
Reincarnation can be seen in more ways than one. Its definition is loosening up for me these days. It can be as simple as the back and forth of your expanded awareness into limitation and out again.
Are you in the particle or are you in the wave? Where are you?
So when you see energy without any definition your seeing through its illusory state. You’re seeing that it does not have a structure, there is no substance.
All energy is one and the same.
All energy is in fact consciousness.
It must be, because consciousness is all there is from this view.
So back to the point about DNA. A cell can be seen as a microcosm of the human body. When we look at a single cell it has many parts to it that make it function.
DNA is in the nucleus of the cell, in the center.
I see our consciousness within the walls of the double helix.
Seemingly trapped by the programed rungs holding the helix together. (Picture a twisted ladder)
As we explore the programming through our awareness the rungs of the ladder become transparent. The whole structure begins to crystallize.
Each part, each program becomes indistinguishable from each other as they become clear and see through.
The energy is restoring to its original state, before it was assigned a job.
The light of awareness can shine through this crystal and touch the other parts within the cell. As consciousness touches this energy its previous programming starts to collapse and the light can shine through it as well.
As this occurs the old way of communicating falls away.
It’s no longer happening linearly. When the energy neutralizes and returns to what it is before it was defined, Gnost can operate in its natural state of simultaneity.
The mind realizes it doesn't know anything. It thought it knew what energy was. It’s a table, a house, a human. All separate objects in time and space. And that all crumbles away.
Relative reality remains intact but the experience of it completely changes.
The light of awareness is shining into the cell and eventually makes it way through the cell wall completely.
Cells are firing, communicating beyond their location in time and space. They are free to commune with all parts and pieces throughout all of creation, throughout the entire body of consciousness.
This is all occurring in the biology at the cellular level and therefore in all the universes ever known throughout the Light Mind.
A New Human Species is born from this. One that has form and does not have form. One that is completely free and yet has a body and a mind.
We are in the land of And also known as Theos.
Source - 1. DNA article referenced