The Bow
In Japanese culture the bow is a very common occurrence. It is an act of honor and respect.
My dad is Japanese but I grew up in the US. Bowing in the US is unheard of. And as a child of the 80’s I was not one to bow, in fact I was averse to whole idea.
All of my attention was focused on this reality. I was focused on what I could get from it, how I could be more comfortable and how everything could be even more easy.
I wanted to be free and live my life however I wanted to live it and no one could tell me what to do.
I spent the next 20 or so years running, doing whatever I wanted or so I thought.
Yeah I was free in one sense, I was choosing my own adventure and in another sense, a more important sense I was just as trapped as ever with no end in sight.
The culture many of us grew up in in the US had no myths to look to, no stories, no role models to look at. The ones that there were were drowned in distorted layers of religion and morality that hid the truth at every turn.
We missed out on the richness of life and the intrinsic communication we all have with the world we walk on. We grew up on franken foods and sugar cereal and Saturday morning cartoons.
This isn't a tragic story though.
If there was ever a soup that could bring us back to life it’s the current conditions of 1st world comfort.
That sounds strange to say because its also what can keep us in the illusion but I find that an overload of comfort and convenience actually has the effect of suffering.
Its the pendulum of extremes. In one direction we suffer and equally so at the other.
So how do we finally end the dualistic swing of suffering in our lives for good?
There is a middle way and where I feel that middle way is is the bow.
Let’s go back to Atlantis.
When we created this body and fine tuned it to create an experience that captured our attention to a point that made us forget our true selves there was a severing. We needed to sever our connections. It was the most effective way to have the immersive experience of the video game we are all in.
That severing disconnected humanity from infinite energy. It created a dualistic playground and this reality has finite energy to play in. We can not create nor destroy energy here, it simply changes from one form into another.
When we connect all the parts that were disconnected we begin to experience the cosmic flow that is our true life force energy.
It opens us back up to infinite energy or New energy or Christ consciousness (same things).
We suffer because we try to live in a reality of finite means and we can not feel any real satisfaction in that. We go from one extreme to another or we try to balance our behaviors to find the sweet spot of happiness and it doesn’t really work because the only thing that REALLY works is getting to the root of the problem.
The severance.
And so enter The Bow.
If we look at Japanese culture and the way that they perceive the bow it feels so full of honor, respect and even reverence. It’s really an offering.
What’s being offered in the bow I speak of is more than even that though, it’s the giving back of everything, its an offering up of your very soul to be absorbed and alchemized by your consciousness.
There is something greater than what we see with our eyes or hear with our ears.
There is a fabric of creation that underlays our human senses. It is not a separate force or something “out there”. It is who we all are beyond this reality.
When we bow to this fabric, this intelligence, this ground of Being, we are giving our lives to it, symbolically. It is a death in a way, an end of ones life as they knew it to be and an opening into something entirely new.
We are offering ourselves up, relinquishing whatever control we thought we had, letting go of everything we experienced since the severing.
And in doing so we are weaving ourselves back into it. We are no longer living in the reality of separation but we are instead acknowledging that we are a very small piece of a much larger intelligence at play and when we can bow to that truth we are infinitely rewarded. The part that knows better kicks in.
The game ends here. The struggle, the search ends.
We are plugged back in to infinite Reality and energy is no longer recycled, it is actually New.
The bow is what gets us there.
The bow is the re-connection and it must be done willingly and in total humility.
And the response to this offering is immediately and completely responded to by the fabric of your True nature who is always and has always been the Real intelligence behind the scenes. The light bulb turns on and New Life can then begin in earnest.
We are becoming the living myths that we never had, the living examples of what humanity is capable of and I believe that the old act ends and a new one begins with a bow.