The Dandelion
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I can hear the dandelion say - “Let’s get down to the source. That’s where all the gifts are.”
Dandelion breaks through all the compacted soils to get down deep into the fertile earth and bring back that which it found.
A giver of life if I ever met one.
It cleanses the body and gets things moving and cleared out making space for the new that’s to come in the budding season of rebirth and renewal and beyond.
We are givers both. A lesson well observed when remembered.
We are the witness to this beautiful giver of joy and unabashed presence.
We are the observers and experiencers of the smells, tastes and touch that dandelion offer. And if we sit still long enough we are the ones who hear as well.
We listen and a stirring of ancient knowing is kindled. Oh we go way back, I remember now.
Old friends reuniting as if for the first time.
And I laugh in shear wonder at how I could have ever forgotten such a thing.
“It’s so good to finally see you again dear friend”, I say.
And dandelion just goes on shining and shining and shining.
She never forgot a thing.