Creation Intelligence
'' The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes. ' - The Kybalion.
Something deep inside is nourished by this quote. A knowing that feels warm and soft and lovely.
Photograph by Keiko Niwa
There is such a state of trust and awe in this realization. There is a sense of being in the arms of God, sitting on the lap of Jesus as a child and feeling the gaze of pure adoration for the perfection of Gods creation.
How can we not want to surrender to that?
It could feel very tenuous to some who imagine that this world this reality is but a dream that God is dreaming. It could feel so insignificant or like it could all just turn to dust in your hands. And it could. And the beauty in that is beyond words.
It gives me a revived sensation, a feeling of wanting to deeply experience every moment.
It makes me feel invigorated and in love with creation.
The illusion of permanence goes and I know that this is all so fleeting and such an incredible creation of a magnitude that is astonishing.
I am left awed and on my knees in reverence for the sheer immensity, variety and orchestration of it all.
Why would I waste a minute of this experience in thoughts that take this feeling away?
We are walking in the mind of God. We are the God itself which we walk through. It’s all You whether you know it or not.
This is the All. If at every turn we choose to see that truth we know where we truly are.
If at all forks we choose to rewrite anything veiling that truth we are walking on the very ground that we seek.
If at all junctions we forgive ourselves and others, we can then know that this is the greatest place to be.
When we can see that none of this is about a “me” but about and for a much greater design that we are a part of, in willing service to, then we know paradise as real.