I spend a lot of time feeling into the architecture of Theos reality creation.
Feeling into the blueprints that make a New Energy reality function and thrive in every way.
What is the core foundation to this structure?
What makes this reality seamlessly flow like a well oiled machine?
What I feel is very important is for all the parts and pieces involved to know their jobs and to perform their jobs in the way they know best.
As humans we are a mind, a body, emotions and energy. Taking all components into account creates a wholeness that can only be felt when every piece is doing it’s job to unify with your Spirit.
We all have our own strengths, whether we are more inclined towards using our intellect, our hearts, our bodies or our inner action. No matter what we incline towards when it comes to full union with God, none of these can be bypassed in any way.
We have to eventually connect all of these parts to consciousness and therefore to each other.
I listened to the audio book called Karma by Sadhguru about a year ago. In it he tells a story about 4 Yogi’s*. I wont retell it here but the gist of it is that each Yogi has their own strength and focus as their path to union. When circumstances arise bringing each one of them together finally, that is when God shows up. It’s what he was waiting for.
As I began to write this article that story came back to me and it just all comes full circle.
Here are the 4 Yogi’s =
Kriya Yogi (Inner action) = Transforming finite energy into infinite energy through awareness. This changes particles into waves.
Karma Yogi (body) = You do what’s needed in joy, with no agenda, so all action is liberating. This turns the human into the witness and God into the actor, collapsing the subject/object divide.
Bhakti Yogi (emotion) = Devotion to God as your True nature. A deep love for all of creation and a sincere complete let go to Self.
Gnana Yogi (mind) = Knows that the world is God and anything in the way of that is a distortion to truth.
All 4 are to do with union and yet each one is incomplete without the other.
When there is a piece in the foundation that is not fully online the body tells you, it’s no secret. We don't always listen or want to listen but its all plain when you look and ask yourself where you could use some attention.
When I see areas that are not connecting and I address them I can feel my Divinity sink down deeper below my neck and into my body.
If Im honest with myself, my Will is very strong for energetic reconnection and to look at what is true and not true but my heart level devotion needed some help and doing what’s needed in joy has also been a challenge.
You know, being here is not easy. Being born into this world as it is can be crushing in many ways. And it’s not unusual to feel that God isn’t with you, that you’re alone. It’s not unusual to feel that you don’t want to really be here or that you want to live in seclusion because being in life is scary or anxiety inducing.
I felt all of those things deeply and so now I’m really realizing that I, Big I, does not feel that way at all. I’m here because I want to be. I am here to be in life with the body and I am here to feel the love my Spirit has for me and be that love for all of humanity.
I mean, what’s missing in the world right now? What is the greatest service, what’s needed right now? And how can I be all of that in my joy, in my love?
I have to say, Divine Love is one of the most satisfying feelings to experience in the body when you can actually connect to your Spirit in a devotional way. It goes from concept to a tangibly felt connection that’s intimate and personal.
It connected my Spirit to my humanity. It connected the joy and love to the work I feel driven to do. It was never a burden but now its something even more rich because devotional love opens a channel to the reciprocity between my spirit and my humanity in a much more deep way that can only be felt in the body.
Devotion has the energy of surrender, trust, in-love ness with the Spirit that runs through your body and all of your energy. Allowing that kind of love in makes everything so much easier because you absolutely know without question that everything is between you and your Spirit. And so of course all action is done in joy. No one needs to tell you to choose joy because you naturally do when you have a deep sense of intimacy with the world as God.
So it’s all a challenge until its not, until you just clarify where you’re seeing in a distorted way.
All the pieces are separate and then they blend together as you allow them too. They all flow into one river when right relationship is number one.
When you transform energy, action, mental and emotional bodies into vehicles for your True nature to express and experience, everything simplifies and unifies.
Unifying all of your components creates a reality that has a foundation made of Divine ground.
If you came into this reality for realization and to help create the New Energy Human organically, my guess is you came in fully equipped with lifetimes of yoga under your belt. You came here to help create new realities, that’s not a job for a nube. That’s why it always feels like I’m walking back into things I already know but forgot I knew. Im not learning anything new in that sense, I’m just remembering more as I go so that this body and mind aligns with what we’re here to do.
New Humans are not working their way through yoga from scratch, we are just getting all the parts back onboard during a time when the distortion is at peak levels and when technology is taking humans deeper into separation.
We are here to unify with ourselves. Challenging, yes, but nothing can withstand Truth for very long.
So what piece of the puzzle do you feel you need to look at more closely? Where are you closing yourself off to the full flow of your Spirit’s love?
*Article by Sadhguru containing the yogi story - https://isha.sadhguru.org/yoga/new-to-yoga/types-of-yoga/