🧑🚀 Truth or Sci-Fi? Maybe both.
Hi friends! I’m trying something new here and adding an audio of this post. Let me know what you think!
I’m feeling into the way we are creating the New Human Species and wanted to play here. I feel this all in a multidirectional all at once kind of way but I find writing requires a semblance of order. SO here we go-
We have a causal body, it’s a subtle body that contains the etheric blueprint of our current physical form*.
To experience something new we use the components of the form plus consciousness to create the new etheric blueprint.
What is the form composed of when you go beyond physical things like the elements of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, etc?
I feel that the human body is actually solidified and made “real” mainly through belief systems and patterns. As Sadhguru would say - “I see people as bags of Karma”. Karma just means the memory of life. It’s our patterns that we carry over from lifetime to lifetime.
We have layers and layers of mostly subconscious belief in the realness of this illusory reality that makes it all seem very real.
But if we are in truth Spirit, we had to create a way at some point to make this reality feel real enough for us to be able to deceive ourselves into thinking we are the body and mind.
If we didn't fully believe that that was true we would too easily remember the truth of our being and the illusion would not hold.
Belief in separation, belief in the body/mind as “me” feels like an incredibly effective way of playing the game in the most immersive way possible.
Wow, what a creation if you think about it!
So when the time comes (now) to level up, when its time to evolve out of this current human form because its gone about as far as it can go in the experience department, we increase the level of consciousness.
We dial up our true nature slowly as to not blow us out of the body and so that we can stay and create something new on the fly, just for fun.
We begin to awaken, remembering that there’s so much more. We feel the truth in this and it opens us up.
We get to a point where we return to our true nature by going beyond illusion completely and meeting ourselves, “Oh I am THAT!”, without leaving physical form.
This transmigration of awareness changes everything instantaneously beyond time and space.
You are now realizing the truth, that you are consciousness and you contain all of creation within you.
We slowly begin to feel and experience the biological changes that already happened in our divine blueprint at a pace that allows us to stay on earth.
We begin our transformation as consciousness enters the mind/brain mechanism of our current form and begins to look around at whats been created while it was asleep.
This looking creates the new energy that is used to design the new blueprint in the causal body (It’s already happened and its happening).
The beliefs that created the old human form are slowly dissolving as we open up to more truth.
You don't lose your image in this reality because we have so much experience here we don't have to pay much attention to it for it to endure.
It will chug along on automatic pilot because we aren't getting rid of the ego patterning that keeps the body and mind alive and well. We are only re-writing the patterns that no longer support the New Human Species experience.
As the patterns are re-written in your divine blueprint you begin to actually tangibly feel in the body the changes that are occurring.
You feel into it and it feels into you and the old form begins to dissolve into the subtle body.
You can feel consciousness lighting up the brain and mind showing us a new way to navigate in the world beyond a limited looping mind stuck in problem solving.
We begin to comprehend the infinite through this new navigation system, called Gnost, of feeling our way through the potentials and possibilities we can not see or know in the old way.
We begin to feel consciousness descending into the spine touching all the stuck energy as we unearth the subconscious wounds and beliefs hidden in the subtle energy centers.
Eventually consciousness can move freely up and down without constriction of flow through karmic patterning.
The nervous system of the current form which was created to express and experience in an illusory reality of separation adapts to the perceived back and forth of oneness and separation as you attune to the rhythm of your true nature.
You reach a tipping point because you’ve backed away from so many old stories that where you end and where life begins starts to blur.
Inner and outer worlds collapse, subject/object division is no more.
You know you are life as the belief layers of a separate self blow away in the wind.
Consciousness begins to make its way out of the central nervous system through the now perforated sheath once holding it in separation.
This creates the new nervous system in the subtle body.
The new nervous system is the new playground for experience-expression in the Absolute Reality of your own oneness.
The new nervous system can be accessed through the breath, the breath is the manifestation of the creator, its how we use the body to feel our way into and access the realms beyond what we already know.
It’s how consciousness commands energy from the macro once the actor and observer are one.
This is an exploration through sensation and the new mind can begin to make sense of it all.
Consciousness oozes out in all directions in its plasma light form discovering new realms to play in. We move out from the old reality and enter into a whole new ball game where you now know that energy and you are one and the same.
A more expanded view of everything can be felt and explored here.
The limits of what we know in old earth reality makes up the tip of the iceberg from this view.
Everything goes new as expansion brings more potentials to everything, a more complete picture to everything. I mean everything humanity thinks it already has figured out is revealed to be a pin hole of light shining on a speck of dust.
We thought the buffet table ended at the cheesecake and now we can’t see an end in sight.
And we get to express and experience all that is as we explore in open curiosity of self discovery.
*This is well known in Ayurvedic philosophy and when I feel into it it makes sense and feels true to me. It’s what is used as a reference to restore the physical body, when it can, back to its original condition of health.