Remember the Movie The Truman Show?
When I encounter a place where I’m challenging core beliefs about reality I feel the blow back from the myths I’ve been living in in this lifetime and others.
The reaction comes as an internal “no”. I may feel it as unworthiness, fear, confusion, anxiety. It’s as if there is a system in place to keep the status quo chugging along as it is.
Since I wrote my last article I‘ve been feeling these things crop up. I know what is going on and so it’s been interesting to watch the reverberation's make their way out into all of creation.
I feel it all as parts of myself fight, struggle, want to run from whatever repercussion may befall those who step out and leave consensus reality behind.
If I didn't know any better I would retreat, stop writing such outlandish things, shrink down, again.
But that’s not going to happen.
This is the time to be bold, to explore.
This is the time to put it all out there. It’s not about whether what I’m saying is “right” or “wrong” anymore.
I’m approaching life in a new way and that way requires venturing into unknown terrain and reporting back what I feel there, what expanded truths I’ve uncovered, what forgotten and disregarded dreams I find.
If I don't do it, who will?
I’ve given myself permission to explore and dive into doing it all in a new way. It requires courage, a constant stepping out into unknown waters.
I wont have things tied up in a pretty bow, it’s going to be what it is.
But one thing is for sure, I am always informed by a truth larger than the small parts that want things to be a certain way. That want a singular outcome.
Feeling the blow back is an indication that I’m stretching, that I’m on the right track, not that I need to retreat.
Those road blocks aren't there to stop you, if you take a step towards them you see that they aren't even really there. The myths of old lose their solidity.
You know that who you are is beyond myth entirely, beyond words and symbols.
We see the world as Divinely perfect already so we don't try to fix or change what already is, we just choose something else, a more whole way of perceiving life.
This isn't a well laid out path, it requires investigations.
Can you feel the endless possibilities here?
There really are no limits except for the self imposed ones we live in.
I’ve backed away from so much belief that the foundations of reality itself are being shaken to the core.
Earthquakes and eruptions will happen.
When you get the questions right, you’ll know you’ve touched something worthy of exploring because those inner storms will brew.
So, new life is really an art. It takes investigation, awareness, courage. It is not about keeping identities safe in an illusory reality.
It’s about following your bliss (as my childhood TV friend Joseph Campbell says) first and foremost and trusting the flow.
When I go astray I come back to the truth and keep going.
It’s a much more dynamic way of life, it gets the juices flowing!
Its gets your true passions moving and expressing themselves through you. It awakens a reservoir of energy you didn't know was there.
That passion is what gets you to the horizon painted on the dome you’ve been living under and thought was real. When you get there and find the door, walk through and see what’s on the other side.
Then keep going.