Explorations into the New Human Species
Photo by Keiko Niwa
I’ve been feeling into plasma lately.
Not the plasma of the blood but the plasma that makes up 99% of the known universe, also known as ether in some circles.
Gnost or true creator intelligence has been connecting the dots for the mind to come along. Bringing me things to look at and ponder on, things to consider.
I just wanted to talk a bit about it because it’s all starting to take more shape as I feel my way through the darkness. I’m giving myself room to play and explore here.
OK so plasma is called the 4th state of matter because it is not solid, liquid or gas.
It is energy in its neutral state waiting to be activated by consciousness. A field of potentials.
When we look at the human energy bodies the causal body, which feels etheric as opposed to solid like the physical body, is the body closest to pure consciousness. It acts as a bridge between energy and consciousness.
The physical is held in place, in fact it only exists, because of the causal body.
So everything that is perceived as solid matter comes from this formless body which contains the blueprint for the form. The form comes from the formless.
But when a Being knows it is God also and remains physical, then backs away from perception to see clearly, the physical is understood for what it is. It’s not really solid or fixed, it’s malleable and accessible.
It changes the illusion of form from the inside out and the outside in.
Consciousness wakes up to itself within an illusory reality and begins to see whats been created while it was sleeping.
This looking creates union with it’s creation. It creates New Energy or Christ consciousness, which I see as the same thing.
We unify with everything, no longer playing the game of separation.
The world itself is felt and understood as Self. Subject/object division collapse.
It’s a quantum leap in awareness that crumbles the very ground we walk on to dust.
This is no longer a Being that is stuck in a perception of a consensus reality.
This is a Being who is choosing something new.
Art by Keiko Niwa
The plasma and all of it’s potential is no longer something out there or other, you realize it is you.
And so the etheric blueprint used to create the human we were before realization has now become a much larger blueprint, it’s become the blueprint of all of creation.
We went from perceiving ourselves as a single human to the multi-faceted diamond of Self containing the entire universe and all of humanity.
We are no longer trapped in the illusion of form.
That was a choice made from a Being who forgot who they really were. It wasn’t even really a choice but more of a karmic automated default that began to loop and became a prison.
Waking up to your true nature releases you from this prison. For me this was a big moment initially and continues to be a moment to moment act of awareness.
OK so what happens to the Being who remembers their true nature and stays on earth?
This is where the creation of the New Human Species can begin.
It begins at the deepest level.
The intelligence for this whole transformation is far beyond human intelligence.
It comes from pure consciousness.
A human transformation that is more natural then earth nature.
God is the designer and that is what we are allowing when we stay.
We are actively allowing the creator herself or himself to create a truly unique individuated human who knows they are not separate from the very world they move through.
My consciousness is creating it’s own sovereign reality while also simultaneously playing on classic earth.
This is when things really change. The more I feel into my new energy causal body the more I can sense this plasma as real. And I feel that the plasma is the Christ consciousness creating new neural networks to play in as I explore the unknown of Self.
Time, space, gravity become tools that are used in my creative favor.
I am experiencing the edges of all of this but the puzzle pieces are coming together in comprehension as I allow them too. All of this is fluid and explorable.
These are exciting times, indeed!