Consciousness Takes the Wheel, Literally
A couple days ago I had a long travel day with my husband. We flew from California back home to the east coast.
There was an early morning flight before the sun came up.
We sat with babies who had a rough time on a long flight, understandable.
We touched down in the dark on a very rainy night in Philly.
Picked up the bags at baggage claim, took a shuttle to economy parking.
Thought we lost the ticket, found it last minute.
I saw a broken glass bottle under our truck tire and cleaned it up.
And I found myself at the wheel preparing to drive over an hour back home in a rain storm in the pitch black.
This is the kind of driving I usually avoid because I can’t see driving at night very well, as it is.
OK, well, here we go.
As I drove the rain got worse.
My mind started to race and I was looking at the time and distance left to drive every 5 seconds.
I took a breath and realized this was an opportunity to make some conscious choices.
Can I keep my nervous system from spazing out?
So I took a few long deep breaths through the nostrils and found myself in the central channel.
This took me beyond the immediate situation into a more true state.
I felt myself expand, it felt like the human stepped back and a wider view was sensed.
A more real perspective was felt.
Is it true that I cant see? Who thinks this?
The answer came to me as a relaxing of the body.
Then a car serendipitously appeared in front of me traveling at a comfortable speed in the right lane.
It provided more light and a clear path.
I followed that car for most of the way until it turned off and I was left in the dark again.
I stayed with my sensation of safety and knowingness.
I thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun if time sped up and I could feel like I got home more quickly?”
The last stretch flew by as I listened to Creedence Clearwater Revival jamming on my trucks pretty good stereo system.
I even went out of the way to stop and get a pizza before heading home.
I pulled into my driveway feeling pretty damn relaxed. No adrenaline drain, I didn’t feel like I needed to take the edge off. I just marveled at it all.
Some conscious choices to let go of my narrow view and come back to my truth and it feels like miracles happen.
I didn’t choose fear, I didn’t choose to believe my crazy thoughts.
I chose life in its most real sense.
I chose to trust in the bigger picture, in who I really am and let go of the grip that wants to protect the me.
Lifetimes of patterning are unwinding when I choose something new.
I can feel it all changing… the very idea of what reality is, how differently it can be experienced when we choose to be conscious and not act from a nervous system designed for the experience of separation.
Imagine always knowing, trusting and feeling that the whole world is YOU? How would that change your reality?