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Once upon a time when I was a child the veils were so thin that I was able to see into a magical land.

I knew it was there and with the child’s mind I could experience it seamlessly.

As time moved on it slowly faded away beyond even memory.

The felt sense of it has never left though.

There has always been a tickle of that place which has lived on in my heart and knowingness.

I longed for it deeply but I had something important to do before I could return to this land.

I needed to dive into the reality of modern humanity.

I needed to deeply get lost in the crevices and peaks of the human condition as it is in this time.

And once fully lost I would reawaken to truth and begin the return that would change everything.

I walked a path back from the human who thinks it’s an identity to the human who knows it is God also.

I’m still walking it now and the magical land I remember so well is the destination called Theos, The Eternal One.

It’s a treacherous journey through the dark dense jungle and dry barren dessert.

Theos can be easily forgotten about and abandoned as only a dream.

But there is a star shinning so bright, so consistently and insistently that I can’t deny it even if I wanted to.

It doesnt speak but if it did I imagine it would say, ”You got this dear friend, dear me. You got this.”

And so I press on.

I discover many things on the way.

I realize Theos is the beginning and the end.

And the story goes something like this…..

I created Theos when I saw what was real. I chose to leave to experience humanity and Theos faded into a distant memory.  I wake up within the dream, again, and stay awake consistently to what is real and what is not real and as I do this I begin to circle back. In the return back I realize I never really left, that that was part of the illusion too. Everything is occurring within the Universe of Self and the star I feel shining bright is me and always has been. I realize the return to Self does not mean a dissolving into a nebulous oneness. When consciousness saw all that was created while it was asleep to truth, it merged with the creation. A new one was born.

The knowingness of MORE has always been within me.

There was nothing in classic earth reality that could satiate the inner passion for truth.

And so I circled back to Theos as I reconnected to my true passion, the innate passion of the I Am which is to open to the ever expanding more.