Rewriting Hierarchy
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One of the most experientially impactful codes to rewrite in the neural networks of the mind are the ones written about hierarchy.
I’d say most of this lifetime I thought of God as the big man in the sky. He was something greater, obviously, than a human and he was the one who judged my sins.
Oh Catholic school….
It was so deeply ingrained in us everyday that there was little to no question otherwise. We just took it all in like sponges and it was our truth.
We feared him and prayed to him and worshiped him. We did our best to make sure we would make it into heaven by confessing our sins to the Monsignor, who acted as the middle man to the big man.
So to reverse the truck out of such a dynamic it takes a lot of looking at.
I’ve noticed that as I slowly began to embrace my humanity I was able to really see more clearly that not only is that whole Catholic story a complete lie, obviously, but I could finally know not only how crucially important and necessary my humanity is but also that thinking it is less than God in any way was the biggest lie of all.
In Kashmir Shaivism tradition, a branch of tantric hinduism, the baseline understanding is that in Reality there exists a trinity; Shiva, Shakti, and Nara which is consciousness, energy and humanity (consciousness in form).
It holds the view that the world and everything in it is Shakti, the original sound of creation.
Essentially that this is already the Kingdom, we just need to clean our windows to see it. Meaning we need to go beyond what we think we know to see what’s already here.
And that the body is the very instrument that consciousness needs in order to know itself in this way.
A few years ago I had a spontaneous 2 day experience in cosmic consciousness. It was the sensation of complete bliss, no matter what I was doing or not doing it just pervaded ceaselessly.
It was a taste of what the subject/object collapse feels like. It was a direct experience of my true nature, of awareness itself without the borders of separation.
Soul and consciousness as one.
This is our natural state and it’s replicated when we reach meditative samadhi states of absorption.
When we let the breath take us into our central channel the bliss takes over.
The perspective of separation dissolves.
And hierarchy goes too because how can one be greater than the other when there is no other?
This all makes more tangible sense, in the day to day, as parts that no longer serve dissolve. This occurs as we allow forgiveness for distorted perspectives and soften to our humanity.
The reality is that when you are open to the flow of life through that complete embrace of your energy you start to feel all of creation in your body, as your body.
The pain of separation fades and you feel the wholeness that you already are.
This is a sensation beyond time and space and yet it completely changes your experience here.
That feeling of wholeness is what makes us happy for no reason. There is nothing here that can add or subtract from that innate happiness because we don't find that feeling in anything “out there”.
When you have the experience of all of creation within you, as you, you feel boundary-less and you know there is nothing more natural than that.
All is equal, all is God and the Kingdom gets clearer as we rewrite old stories that have no foundation in your new experience expression of Reality.