Nature Experience
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I sit outside overlooking the grass.
I’m listening to an episode on *Citta from the podcast called Wisdom of the Masters.
I fall into a meditative state easily as I sense into the dynamics of the One Who Knows.
It’s a sunny day and the grass is cut.
I see something making it’s way straight towards me at a distance.
Too big to be an insect, to small to be a mammal.
I watch it and my brows furrow…. What is that?
A blue jay lands next to it looking for a snack. The bird looks at the creature, looks up at me and fly’s away.
Now I’m too curious to sit still.
I walk over and look. I am at a loss, I don’t know what this is.
It’s bright orange and neon green, long body and stumpy ill formed wings. It’s clumsily and furiously moving over the blades of grass, singularly focused on what I don’t know.
I grab a stick and offer it.
It immediately latches on and hangs in total stillness.
I’m amazed. I take it back to where I was sitting and watch it.
In a span of 5 minutes, right before my eyes it completely transforms!
From an awkward, hurried, in-between to a gorgeous, soft, velvety winged creature.
I have no words. It feels other worldly.
I set it in a safe space to hang for however long it needs to and it’s gone by the morning.
*Ajahn Pannavaddho - The One Who Knows - Thai Forest Tradition