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When we are young and playing in our worlds we don't think about the future and what we will be when we grow up.
I mean we do if that question is asked of us of course but if it was never asked it would take a while before we even realized the game of going to school to become something.
If we were never asked such a thing my guess is we would chug happily along in our worlds of play and wonder.
We would use our innate curiosity to lead us along our path and choices would come from a space of spontaneity, just to see what happens.
Things like learning to walk and talk which are no easy feat are explored by babies with repetition and persistence, not because someone told them to but by their own inner desire to naturally explore the world around them and their own bodies.
If you watch a baby breathe they naturally breathe into their bellies, something we forget and must relearn through taking yoga classes.
I remember years ago I went to a women who had connected to her abilities to read the original blueprints of creation and I asked her what my purpose was. I had no human desires or passions. I felt completely lost, I knew I was here to do something but I didn't know what and I needed her to tell me desperately.
Part of me was hoping she would map out my future life and give me solid answers.
What she said was this, “Your purpose is curiosity, joy and love.”
I was taken aback a bit and then I thought, “OK, I feel that deeply. But what am I supposed to do with that?”
It turns out that I’m supposed to BE that.
I couldn’t fully hear her then, this was about 9 years ago but this morning I’m revisiting this communication and I’m just now fully feeling the truth in her words.
So simple, too simple for a mind to allow in.
It wasn't a mind that could take it in, it was a heart level communication and I didn't have the defenses down enough to understand the depth of her transmission.
My joy is the restoration and expression of living truth in the world and all I am here to express is a love of life in it’s purest truest sense.
Reconnecting back to undiluted curiosity, untainted joy and incorruptible love is the key to restoring and rejuvenating the sensation of life force running through my entire body.
All the ideas and stories in between me and that are just bridges.
The only way out is through as they say.
This is why I look at everything and feel everything as best as I can, it’s to always see through distortion because choosing a more enlightened state is a moment to moment thing.
We were born with all the knowing we need, we exhibited all the attributes of original creation as babies and children, and we can restore everything that we choose because nothing is ever lost.
As we reverse back into everything we are the clarity deepens.
We return to innocence but now with the wisdom of experience so we can venture into something completely new.
We soften and allow with the diligence of a baby learning to walk and talk.
We create passageways back to truth for whomever chooses this too as we do this.
As we do all of this we create a vastly more fulfilling existence of service at the level of the Divine and I can’t fathom anything that could be more purposeful than that.