New Earth Creation
A darkness descended over our beloved home we call Earth after the fall of Atlantis.
The truth was hidden under an overlay of a new relative reality of separation called “real life”.
This matrix of separation became a land of amnesia and all souled beings who entered it forgot who they really were. Life became available in smaller and smaller spectrums of experience as we deeply believed in this reality as being all there is.
Over the centuries grand Beings would incarnate and seed our home with the remembrance of Truth only to be met with resistance and many times death. Although they did what they came here to do none the less, quietly and below.
Seeds are tiny but mighty and when hidden deep within they can survive safely and securely until the time comes for something new to take root.
Bread crumbs back to the Source were left along the way but this “real life” reality has a way of inverting the truth and therefore in order to see and hear one must use something that is beyond it.
Earth has a history that goes back eons of time.
It has a purpose and when we realize the source of everything and hand our sovereignty back all is uncovered.
And though it may seem that truth can be lost when scrolls burn, when books are buried or when words are not recorded, this too is revealed to be untrue.
And SO ….
A new age begins to dawn on this big blue planet just when it seems that all is lost.
When it seems that the end times are nigh and all hope is thrown away by the wayside.
A call goes out into all of creation and those who hear it begin to respond.
There is an awakening as sparks of light begin to ignite around the globe within souls who are ready to be the new way showers.
It’s fuzzy, this opening up to more, it’s disorienting and mysterious but it’s unmistakably Real.
A dragon clarity begins as all that is not That starts to burn away.
The false overlays start to become transparent and old beliefs and stories are seen for what they are.
The furious search for Truth in religion, books and other people that ignites in an awakening soul turns inward more and more.
We start to realize that we are not single and separate but that we in fact have access to a treasure trove of new energy within our body of consciousness and it’s time to explore that.
All the doors are open and we find that we have access to versions of ourselves who now carry the wisdom from times before and after.
We find that WE are the living temples, the living books of wisdom and consciousness who stream the songs long forgotten.
Earth, our home, is awake to her True nature and contains the original codes in her womb for all of creation. She is the original storyteller, the ground on which all of creation abides, the giver of Life.
As we return to the organic structures of life, anew, history is rewritten through awareness.
A darkness never actually descended and all distortion is forgiven. It all worked out.
The seeds have been found, have been nourished and have rooted and are creating channels through caverns that have been untouched for eons of time.
A new earth reality is blooming on the surface from these seeds nourished through consciousness.
A reality that exists on the same rock we call home, available to all who dare to sink below and see what has been here all along.