New Energy Creation
I’ve been feeling into the word coherence for months now.
I heard the word, it perked up my inner ears and I tossed it into the inner depths to reverberate and see what arises.
This is word has a quantum level feel to it that really makes sense to my experience of new energy creation.
If you look the word up it says it’s the potential for 2 waves to interfere, basically to see each other and interact.
What’s even more interesting is that these waves aren't referring to just any wave out there but to ones that have the same source. The same source means the waves are in phase and when waves are in phase they can communicate, they can interact.
Our consciousness is unique, we each have our own signature or frequency. This signature is something we lose coherence with when we forget who we really are.
This happens because our source is forgotten, we scatter into a million pieces and each piece starts to resonate with sources that are not the truest to our fundamental nature.
When we meet ourselves through Self realization this puts us in sync with our true nature. We find our source, every cell, every part stops and knows and bathes in it.
All parts turn and see the darkness for what it is and we realize, “I Am That.”
All motion ceases.
Everything that was created before this circling back to cosmic consciousness flatlined as the coherent waves interacted in phase and deconstructed what was to become something new.
Zero point, a new start. What was is used to begin again as the true source infuses it.
All is forgiven here. The charged particles neutralize.
Those charged particles were the source of mass and therefore gravity.
They created the gravity that we all experience at the level of the physical body and at the level of the mental, emotional and astral bodies.
The feeling of being trapped, of repeating thought and emotional patterns. Of strong karmic cycles that you can’t let go of.
This is where those cycles are ended.
We stop the momentum of the outward seeking. Out into the world, out into an imaginary place that can give me what I need.
That momentum is halted and we about face and see the real source.
The ground of being that is the one and only source that gives me what I really need.
The soul starts that return to Self as each vertebrae is touched and tuned on the way up.
Cosmic consciousness is here and as it vibrates with source sound it amplifies and deconstructs as needed.
The wave function is open, the particles are neutral and no longer programed in a singular way.
They now are in sync with their creator and are able to communicate freely and function in whatever way amplifies the whole.
Coherence makes us flexible and adaptable.
It unifies all of you into a multiply singular being so we can shine the light through every cell in a clear way that shows the world what we all really are.
We are resonating with the qualities of our true nature because we are in sync with the codes that are born from the sacred union.
This is a truly autonomous sovereign state of being.
This is our new energy source that replenishes and renews each of us.
We have a built in quantum machine to access this renewable resource.
We don't need a scientist or engineer to create something for all of us to be able to have access to free energy.
We have the capacity to tap into this right here right now through exploration of your true nature and devotion to the truth.
We can all turn the ship around for ourselves. In fact, we must.
This is a job for the individual to discover subjectively with joy to discover the freedom that this work brings.
When we can access our singular communications network that is our body of light, we can live the reality of this ever new state which ends energy decay and put us in command of energy as the renewable resource that it truly is.