The Proton
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Audio of The Proton -7:59
You’ve all heard of the pendulum, right?
The duality pendulum that swings from one side to it’s opposite. From good to bad, masculine to feminine, from light to dark, etc.
So I was hanging out in the neurons in the gut region of the body and I was feeling into reality creation. I could see the formation and dissolution of realties occurring at the subatomic level.
I realized that I was a proton. My consciousness was showing me something.
Then I felt a pull to my left. There was a desire pulling at me, a definite feature of duality.
I started moving to that side and then I took a step back to view what was going on.
What I noticed was that there was a version of the proton being pulled and a version not moving at all. A version stayed in place.
And when I looked even wider I could see that I was in fact in many positions all over the place.
I was in superposition.
I could move left and follow the pull as the proton became the wave function and be in the duality loop as a conscious proton.
When I go into the pull as a conscious proton the awareness begins to create something new.
The proton which is a very important component of what keeps DNA strands held together, is not compelled to only do what it usually does in the DNA.
It can now also be in superposition while in its role as the connector between atoms.
What that does is reveal layers I’ve never seen before.
I can see the DNA at the quantum level and it’s so much more than what I thought it was.
So, subatomic particles in superposition remain in a state of potential until something acts upon them to make them move in a specific direction like gravity or the desire for a certain outcome.
If there is a person who is living in duality and is having a normal life then they are moving to free will. They may think they are in charge of their lives but really whats happening is they are being pulled this way and that by their external situations.
When you back away from that dynamic into the quantum realm and connect to a deeper intelligence you begin to notice that things work differently here.
The conscious proton is not ruled by free will and so it does not have to act as it would in duality.
This is the domaine of Divine Will, when your consciousness is present the magnetics change.
The attraction is no longer towards the dualistic DNA situation of 2 strands containing life but is now in a porous plasma state of creative neutrality where the flow is unimpeded by illusory barriers because you know this is all your energy.
So what happens to the proton that gets pulled and takes form through magnetizing linear patterns in the DNA?
It collapses into the defined particle its being told to be and becomes finite energy and therefore it can decay.
It becomes matter that has a beginning and an end. It is on the horizontal path. It’s singular and trapped.
So what we want to do is return to the before, to the light before it becomes form. We want to sit in the void. The reason we want to do this is because this act reveals doorways we have never seen before. And every time we take steps through them we are making duality more permeable.
The more porous our environment gets the less we feel like we used to. The less our body reacts to outside stimuli. The body comes along as its cells change from barriers to conduits.
The energy rearranges within each cell to configure to let life live itself through it.
To get to the more expansive truth we walk through lies that keep us linear and small.
We become the conscious proton that effortlessly moves through these lies by being what it inherently is. By being the untouchable superimposed particle it is before it was made into form.
It can quantum tunnel through all barriers and boundaries just by being itself. No force or momentum is needed.
Instead of magnetizing horizontally, we can magnetize to our true nature.
Instead of closing the drawbridge we keep it up and what fills the gap is not free will desire but instead our true supreme intelligence becomes the bridge.
Our gnost bridges all the gaps. Not memory, not old neurotransmitters, but gnost.
Our mind adjusts to this drastic change in communication as we actively allow it to.
We direct the show as consciousness with the only real Will that exists.
The DNA reveals more then just the 2 strands we operate with in this relative reality as the subatomic particles superimpose and we can reorient around new truths.
The energy stops decaying when it’s released from finite atomic structures. You no longer feel like a person moving through time and space when you let more and more beliefs of who you are go. You enter into the unseen world but you can see with your creational intelligence.
The creational intelligence you are nurturing and fostering through the creation of passageways through old DNA genetics and memory loops.
You have created enough passageways to be able to connect the dots you couldn’t see before. And through this intelligence you can make sense of what is going on in the body.
This is how we create the environment in the body that is in sync with our natural state of being.
We walk through all the “no’s” all the false ideas of who I am, all the lies. The veils get more porous.
We get soft as we feel our true nature qualities more and more through this process.
We create more space. From condensed and impenetrable to loose, open, permeable, passable.
Everything feels plasma like now. The electromagnetic flows of your true nature can communicate unimpeded as your internal environment takes on this new state to have the tangible experience.
Your willingness opens the door and your true will walks you through it.