It’s been something over 2 years since I had a realization of what my true nature is which came along with what felt like an explosion of clarity, a sensation of compassion and a driving incessant passion to look at what is.  I just now feel ready to share more openly about it.

Reorienting around quantum leaps in awareness takes time. It’s takes time to let it all trickle in, permeate and sink down. So much has to be deconstructed, dissolved and integrated to allow for new creation to take form.

It’s been a learning process in so many ways. A total trust and allowing of life to live itself through me is a completely humbling experience for the humanity that realizes it doesn’t know anything over and over again.

In my writing I will speak from my experience and what feels true. I am ever evolving and changing and so will be my expressions. In my photography I share the beauty I experience in this world.

Thank you for being here.