Compression and Release
Falling Water home commission designed and built by Frank Lloyd Wright. Photo by Keiko.
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When it’s time for something new our consciousness takes big leaps that are experienced beyond time and space and within it.
These leaps move a perceived center out from its position in order to experience reality in a new way, in a more real way.
Beyond time and space these leaps into a new potential show you in sensation what it feels like to reorient around a new center that is not mired down by identity.
But how do we experience these leaps in a more lasting tangible way in our bodies and with a mind that can understand?
Creative tension is the sensation of energy and consciousness reuniting. It creates a new nervous system that can handle knowing oneself as the Absolute rather than as a singular human moving through time and space. A nervous system that does not look outside and see “other” but that senses everything within it.
When the mind comes along to realize what is illusion and what is real it understands that the tension that is felt during these transitions is creation itself.
It is what creation of new energy feels like in the body.
It is how the macro commands the micro. It is the sensation of the dissolution of barriers. It is a communication telling you what needs to be seen through the eyes of awareness. It is the very indication that you are acting not from a person who thinks she is separate but from the very space that is dissolving separation all together.
It is the sensation of alchemy and it feels like fire in the body.
From this space we can and do command the energy to come home. The soul delivers the energy to consciousness and you command that energy to merge back with the one and only thing it is actually seeking.
You know that merging is what’s needed. So you look at what is presenting and you inquiry into it. You lean into it.
You command it in this way, from that space of awareness. This is how perceived centers flee their comfortable and dug in positions.
Awareness notices what’s going on. It sees the perception and so the energy must move. It can no longer remain operating in the same way because it’s been discovered.
This is how quantum changes occur. They are reality shattering at times and can feel like the very earth below your feet gave way. The old patterns are exposed.
But the real you knows that it is the tension before the expansion. It is what will bring about a grander view, an integrated experience of the collapse between borders of self.
What the mind once thought was real begins to change and the more your true will commands energy to return home the capacity for your nervous system to be able to handle the Absolute increases and the more your mind can comprehend.
Life lives itself through you freely and integrated.
Creative tension gets us there. It is the very thing that indicates that we are in a state of becoming. That we are not stagnant and slowly decaying as we hold onto positions but that we are in motion, moving out and in like the conscious breath.
It ensures that the illusion does not hold you stagnant in any one position so that we are always self generating our own infinite energy.
*Inspired by the Frank Lloyd Wright home commission called Falling Water, which I visited last week near Pittsburgh, PA. A stunning example of integration, compression and release.