Immeasurable Heaven
During meditation this morning the last scene of the last episode of the Fargo TV series season 5, called ‘Bisquick’, came into my awareness. ( spoiler alert if you plan to watch this show )
My heart swelled to the size of the Laniakea supercluster and I felt like I had become a magnet for love, for forgiveness.
This show had an ending that you would never have imagined because it was so New Energy. It didn't fulfill a dualistic itch, it didn’t satisfy our habitual need for justice, for karma to play out in the usual way.
It simply injected a dose of New Energy physics into the equation of cause and effect and we got to see how that all played out. You could almost see the field of potentials and possibilities in the eyes of the characters in the scene.
It truly feels like a dose of medicine is given in that moment when one realizes that they don't have to do what they thought they did. That maybe there are other options, maybe just maybe we can rewrite the heavy stories by just doing something new.
This scene evokes all of this and so much more. It blew me away.
Plus Juno Temple is in it and she’s such a delight! :)
I don't want to give too much away if you plan to watch it but just to set you up, the man who is there in the scene unexpectedly was a hired assassin who was supposed to kill Dot (played by Juno) from the beginning of the season. Many shenanigans ensue and now he’s here to finish what he started….